Maybe finding a middle ground?

E.g. looking for places that are not necessarily fancy restaurants but also not ya'll houses, where both of you would feel comfortable.

And you could experience those places in advance by yourself to see if you would actually feel "at home" there (could be anywhere, like a bowling spot where both would be having fun but getting to know each other, or a picknick on a nice but reserved place)

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I agree with this but I’m not lying no one comes to my house on the first date. Lol

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Inviting the nigga over lunch or tea might clarify things ! 😬 then if things are really that good he can stay for dinner and we order in

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I think you guys should meet somewhere else and you arrive first and you’ll be found sitting cause no judgment but it’s very strange to go to someone’ house for a 1st date 🙆🏾‍♀️

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Seeing my place the first time? That’s judgment too, the books I read, the furniture layout, etc. coffee shop seems less intimidating and safe.

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